The importance of federations, affiliations, or governing bodies in the martial arts world.

You are about to venture into a new activity for yourself or your child, and this is a question that is rarely asked, or explained by many martial arts schools. Yes, new students may not know about this aspect, and yes, there are some schools out there with no affiliations, and they try to sweep it under the rug, to protect their reputation.

Most mainstream athletic activities, especially if it is practiced and competed at a national and international level are affiliated with a certain governing body for some of these reasons: standardized curriculum, standardized rules and regulations, recognition of your rank, and much more.

This is true for Kumdo/Kendo as well. The international governing body for Kumdo/Kendo is the International Kendo Federation, and many countries have sub federations, to abide by its rules, curriculum, and cross-recognition of your rank, so that your investment in time, efforts, and quite frankly, finances, are respected at other affiliated locations, groups, clubs, dojangs/dojos, and countries.

For instance, let’s say you trained for years at a non-affiliated location, but you received your black belt, and due to life, you move to another city and decided to join a school, and they ask for your certified rank. Proudly you present to the new school your rank, and it is not certified. All that investment has now gone to waste. Some school will try their best to accommodate you, but you are stuck with a “fake” rank nonetheless.

It is important, especially for your child, when going to a new college, or town, to be welcomed as a person who trained under the correct federation.

We hate to have to rub the politics of martial arts on anyone, but these have been problems where students feel cheated, and have left the arts with sour emotions.

Ace Kumdo/Kendo Academy is affiliated with The Korea Kumdo Association in USA, which is a sub-branch of the Korea Kumdo Association, which is an internationally recognized federation under the International Kendo Federation. Our students are issued official certification which is recognized by any federation in the world and falls under the large governing body of the International Kendo Federation.

When signing up, not just with us, but with other martial arts, please make sure that your instructor is certified, and the school is recognized nationally and internationally, to protect yourself from disappointment in the future.